Welcome! For those wondering, I am studying abroad at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan from August 28th to December 18th. I am writing this blog to keep all of my family and friends up to date with what I am doing, how I am doing, and all other relevant details.

So here is my basic info:

I am living with a host family in a suburb of Nagoya called Kasugai(春日井市). Though considered small, it has a population of about 300,000. I will be traveling by public transit south to Nanzan University(南山大学)which is in the city of Nagoya (名古屋市)the third largest and fourth most populous city in Japan sitting around 2.2 million people.

I am traveling through IES Abroad, which has been great so far. I can't wait to share all of my experiences with everyone!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Here is a map of the Nagoya area with the three locations I will spending the majority of my time.

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